KESPRO focuses on clean and green applications in technological solutions recommend to clients. This is in line with the core value of KESPRO to provide environmentally sustainable, socially acceptable and economically viable services for projects undertaken. KESPRO has been actively promoting green technologies for water quality restoration, waste treatment, contaminated land remediation, wastewater treatment, infrastructure protection, agricultural farming, maricultural projects, road construction, recycling of construction wastes, etc.
KESPRO has implemented usage of ionic nano copper (INC) for lake water rehabilitation, ionic nano minerals for fungi and disease control of agro farms, bio-enzyme for enhancement of wastewater treatment, mineral-based products for wastewater treatment, bio-enzyme for fast rate composting, soil stabilization for road construction and other platform construction, and many other green technological applications.
Our Green Technology Services:

Water Quality Rehabilitation

Agro Farms Biocide and Fungicide using Ionic Nano Copper

Organic & Food Wastes Composting

Waste To Ash Conversion System

Duo Function Agent for Wastewater Treatment

Novel Decentralised Treatment System (DTS) for Wastewater
Check out portfolio for our projects.