KESPRO has extensive experience in providing environmental consultancy services for a wide range of projects such as waste recycling, waste recovery, plantation, quarry, mixed development, industrial development, power plant, rail construction, road construction, wastewater treatment plant, hydroelectric plant, etc. Some of our environmental deliverables include Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Land Disturbing Pollution Prevention & Mitigation Measure (LD-P2M2), Environmental Audit (EA), Energy Efficiency (EE), Green Building Index (GBI), and other environmental reporting for clients in a fast and efficient manner. Apart from that, KESPRO is able to submit written notifications to the Department of Environment for approval.
Apart from that, KESPRO is able to provide consultancy services for ISO 14001:2015 certification, circular economy and green economy implementation in clients’ projects.
Our team of consultants is very experienced, and we are ready to embark on challenging and complex projects. We always engage with our clients on regulatory compliance requirements including planning, engineering, safety & health compliance over and above environmental requirements.
Our Environmental Services:

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Enviornmental Management Plan (EMP)

Written Notification for Treatment System (IETS)

Environmental Audit (External & Internal)

Land-Disturbing Pollution Prevention & Mitigation Measures (LD-P2M2)

Written Notification for Air Pollution & Industrial Effluent Control Sytems

Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015)

Circular Economy

Green Economy
Check out portfolio for our projects.